Annika’s Diary # 2
Another two weeks in to my Training Contract and what a busy two weeks to report on! Time has been going very quickly and it’s hard to believe I have completed a month of my Training Contract already.
I have continued to sit in on appointments with Jason Lewis and I have therefore been involved in the further progression of numerous cases. Jason has ensured that we are running some of these files together as ‘joint files’. I have found this very helpful, as I am able to clearly follow and track each stage of the case. The hands on involvement has given me a better insight in to the necessary steps in running a file and how adaptable the process has to be in order to suit every individual case. I have also encountered a number of new forms, and I have drafted Orders for hearings, so I have managed to keep up with the drafting practice!!
The importance of involvement from outside agencies in client’s lives and cases has been very apparent these last couple of weeks. I have liased with outside agencies for numerous purposes, such as Drug and Alcohol Testing, DNA Testing, Social Services, Contact Centres, Mediation and even arranging for a client to obtain help for their hearing difficulties whilst they attend court.
I attended a Pre Proceedings Meeting with our consultant solicitor Pam Watson (based at the Lewis Rodgers Solicitors office in Macclesfield). The purpose of these meetings is to provide an opportunity for all the parties to come to an agreed resolution before court proceedings are issued. A draft contract of expectations was provided at the meeting that set out the issues and recommended steps to deal with these issues. As a representative for the client Pam had to ensure that this draft was clear, fair and most importantly practicable.
I have been able to attend the Family Proceedings Court on a number of cases with Mr Lewis. This has been informative as the majority of my court experiences and attendances have been confined to the County Court where I have appeared before District Judges. The difference with the FPC is it is the Magistrates court and ruled by lay Judges, who are not legally trained like District Judges. I have now been able to witness cases that are heard by Magistrates, and observed the guiding role of the court Clerk in such hearings.
I have also been Blogging!! Not only am I posting my Training Contract Diary but I have also provided summaries on multiple news stories relating to civil matters. Go to and click on the ‘Blog’ link at the top right hand side of the homepage to read more.
This past week Jason has not been in the office so our other Family Partner Anna Brunt and I have taken over Jason’s workload. This has meant having to quickly familiarise myself with the relevant cases and establish the stage as to which the proceedings have reached. I have also been able to conduct my first three appointments with clients and I am learning the importance of being able to adapt to different clients needs and personalities.