Guide to Legal Aid
What Legal Aid Services do we offer?
Cases where you can get legal aid
- if you have been arrested or questioned by the police about a criminal offence
- if you have been charged with a criminal offence and are required to appear in Court
- if you have received a postal requisition or summons for a criminal offence which requires you to attend Court
- family mediation to resolve disputes about children and finance on a relationship breakdown
- social services being involved with your children
- injunctions against a violent or abusive partner or family member
- other family problems if you or your child have suffered or are at risk of violence or abuse
- forced marriages
- if your child has been or is about to be taken out of the country without your consent
- some High Court proceedings about the welfare of your child
- if you have been served with proceedings under the Hague Convention
How do I find out if I'm eligible for legal aid?
Legal aid is dependent on your financial position and also the strength of your case. You can find out if you're eligible by using the following resource:-
- includes an online tool to check if you can get legal aid
What if it is an emergency?
We offer emergency legal aid for urgent cases that are eligible. Please contact us to make an urgent appointment today.
Further Legal Aid Information
Please contact us for further information and guidance on our legal aid services.