Suffering a relationship breaking down?
Our expert team of lawyers here at Lewis Rodgers can be depended on, to guide you through the financial and family aspects of your relationship breakdown, and to help you explore the best options available. Regardless of the reason for your breakdown. Taking the right route and following the very best advice, can sometimes be a difficult and challenging prospect. Lewis Rodgers Cheshire team is here to help. We’ll help you explore every aspect of your personal situation - making sure your best interests are guarded.
Relationship drawing to an end?
It’s so daunting considering ending your relationship, and there are many things to consider. If you’ve reached the point where there’s no return, it’s time to face the inevitable truth. But don’t worry. we’re here to guide and support you. With Lewis Rodgers Cheshire legal team by your side - together we’ll plan a legal route to a brighter future. Looking at the legal, financial and family aspects of your relationship breakdown. Monies tied up in property or other assets, often take precedence from a practical point of view. Where children and family are involved however, there are many more things to consider.

Separating. Sometime’s is the only option.
If it’s coming to the point where you’re thinking of separation, it’s time to speak to Cheshire’s Lewis Rodgers solicitors. Legal separation is often part of longer legal process that may, or may not, lead to divorce. There is a clear legal difference though. which is why Lewis Rodgers will guide you through the process. Our divorce and separation specialists, Cheshire, are here to advise you on the crucial issues that may affect you. If you’re at the end of a relationship, separating needs as much careful consideration as divorce. Our experts can advise you on the best action to take, at a time when you may not be thinking rationally, or clearly.